Below, are a few project I have made over the last week or so. I got my inspiration for this post it note handbag from Mary Beermans blog. They are so quick and easy to make and look great.
I really enjoy making bags and boxes or anything 3d for that matter. Below are a couple of bags with matching cards. These are great for gift giving. The bags are quite sturdy. They are made from cardstock and covered in designer paper. I am head over heals in love with the "live your dream" stamp set and the "garden whimsy" set will always be a favourite. I think it was one of the first sets I bought.
I can't remember where I came across this card, but I knew that I had to make it for my gorgeous cousin Jessica and her fiance Aaron. It reminded me of her. So bright and full of life. I wish them both, the most happy and fulfilling life together.
I will be holding another workshop in my home in a few weeks time. I will keep you posted.
Another thought for the day from my "daily guidance from your angels" book... I fully accept that I am responsible for my own happiness. I treat myself with respect and care.
Take care. xx Jackie